
CUHK Examination Papers Database

Title: CUHK Examination Papers Database Coverage: 1995 – present Description: Includes the examination papers of the centralized... thumbnail 1 summary

Title: CUHK Examination Papers Database

Coverage: 1995 – present

Description: Includes the examination papers of the centralized undergraduate courses of the Chinese University of Hong Kong from 1995 onwards. This database has been merged into the new LibrarySearch. It is also searchable under the “Exam Papers” tab on the CUHK Library website. You can search past examination papers by:

Keywords, e.g. logic

Course ID, e.g. UGED1111

Course name, e.g. Digital Logic and Systems

Programme of Studies, e.g. General Education

CUHK Examination Papers Database
Short video: How to Find CUHK Undergraduate Examination Papers (1 minutes 10 seconds) https://youtu.be/5P2nJg8v6xI
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