The final examinations will begin soon! Below are some tips
to help you prepare.

Make your study schedule practical, flexible and realistic.
Please refer to CUHK Library’s next steps towards full reopening webpage for details of opening hours of the Library.Book retrieval service is available for CUHK students and staff to support their learning and teaching. Click here for details.Online and phone enquiry services are also available. Click here for details.

The Library has rich resources for your examination preparation, especially a rich collection of e-resources, including 900 databases, 156,000 e-journals and over 4.8 million e-books covering all subjects.
Past Exam PapersGo through the past exam papers to review what kind of questions have been set in the past and the relationship between the questions and the course content.CUHK Examination Papers Database: you need help with finding exam papers please check out our brief guide to using the Exam Database at Guide on Exam SkillsHave a look at the library guide on exam skills ( to get more information and resources on exam-taking strategies.Support for Your Studies Off Campus GuideThis guide shows you all library resources and services available to support your remote learning and examination preparation:

Take a short break to relax if you feel bored or cannot concentrate on your study. To restore your willpower, have a hot beverage and some snacks.
Still feeling stressed? The following may help:
Stress Management Workshop @ YouTube:(by Prof. Chan Sui Yin, Department of Psychology, CUHK and Director of Chanwuyi Research Center for Neuropsychological Well-being)Relaxation techniques from Chanwuyi (禪武醫):3-Minute Mindful Breathing Exercise:(by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Office of Student Affairs, Student Counselling and Development Service)

Don’t forget to have enough sleep the night before the exam.