
Library Good Reads Instagram

The Library Good Reads Instagram has launched! We share good books to read. Anything classic, new releases, award winning, inspiring, compel... thumbnail 1 summary
The Library Good Reads Instagram has launched!

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Summer Retrieval Service for Law Library 3/F and Learning Garden

With an aim to create a better learning environment, repairs and renovations will be conducting in Lee Quo Wei Law Library and Learning... thumbnail 1 summary

With an aim to create a better learning environment, repairs and renovations will be conducting in Lee Quo Wei Law Library and Learning Garden during this summer. There will be air conditioning repairs untaken in the Law Library TKP 3/F from May 17 to July 7, 2019. During this time, the whole of TKP 3/F collection and Group Study Rooms 7 & 8 will be inaccessible. The Learning Garden will be closed from May 12, 7 pm to September 1, 2019 for refurbishment and renovations.

During the above periods, there will be a retrieval service for the collections that are affected by these two repair and renovation projects. Please fill in the Online Retrieval Form if you would like to use the following collections during these two projects.

For enquiries related to Lee Quo Wei Law Library, please contact our staff for assistance on 3943 8641 or send email to law@lib.cuhk.edu.hk. For enquiries related to Learning Garden, please contact 3943 9730 or email to liblc@lib.cuhk.edu.hk.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Lee Quo Wei Law Library TKP 3/F

Location at LibrarySearch
Call Number
UL Law
UL Law
non-K Class
UL Law Periodical
All (Bound volumes)
UL Law Prim

Learning Garden (LG/F, University Library)

Location at LibrarySearch
Call Number
UL Gov Document Titles in LG
UL Gov Document Oversize All
UL Video-VHS
Pages 1612 >>
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