
Support for Your Assignment or Assessment Preparation Off Campus

The Library provides a rich collection of e-resources and offers a range of services to support your remote learning and assessment activities.
Access E-Resources Remotely
Most of the Library’s e-resources can be accessed anytime and anywhere by simply entering your CUHK Login. Two methods are:

  1. Easy Access to e-resources
  1. Access to e-resources via VPN

For details, please refer to Off-Campus Access to E-Resources.
Make Use of Library Materials
The Library has rich resources for your assignment or assessment preparation.
E-books, E-journals and Databases
You can find all these e-resources via LibrarySearch, a one-stop search and discovery tool which allows you to search for library materials and e-resources. The databases are listed on the Databases List and the e-journals are also listed on the A-Z list of E-Journals.
The Library has in conjunction with faculty created a number of course reading lists with embedded links to specific readings which can be found atReadingList page. You can login to Blackboard to view the lists of your courses.
Past Exam Papers
Go through the past exam papers to review what kind of questions have been set in the past and the relationship between the questions and the course content.
CUHK Examination Papers Database: http://exam.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/
If you need help with finding exam papers please check out our brief guide to using the Exam Database at https://youtu.be/5P2nJg8v6xI
Library Guide on Exam Skills
Have a look at the library guide on exam skills (http://libguides.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/c.php?g=549209&p=3836452) to get more information and resources on exam-taking strategies.
Start Your Research by Using Library Guides
The Library has created a range of short videos and guides to help students from how to use LibrarySearch to find resources to citation styles and locating particular resources such as journal articles.
The Library has created a range of subject guides in major subject areas to assist students get started quickly with their research.
Guides with video content on how to use information responsibly and relevant research and study skills. The Library has also recently created a guide on support for studies off campus at https://libguides.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/supportstudiesoffcampus.
The Library has created a number of general and discipline specific online self-paced learning programmes for students to use to refresh or discover new research skills.
Manage Your References by Using Citation Management Tools
The Library has subscribed to two citation management software products to assist you to manage and format the references and bibliography for your assignments and research easily. CUHK students and staff can use RefWorks and EndNote.
RefWorks, a web-based bibliography management tool, to produce bibliographies and in-text references in a variety of citation styles (e.g. MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.).
EndNote, a reference management software to collect, format and share the citations and bibliographies. This is a new service offered by the Library.
Comply with Academic Honesty in Your Assignment or Assessment
Using information responsibly is important when you prepare your assignments. You can refer to the library guides on and for some tips.
Using Information Responsibly for Your Assignments
This guide introduces the basic concepts and library resources to help you to use information responsibly for your assignment and academic research.
Citation Styles
This guide introduces APA, Chicago, MLA and Vancouver citation styles.
Consult Online Help if Needed
The Library has webpages and help information for students accessing e-resources remotely at https://www.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/en/use/off-campus. Further help details and links to faculty liaison librarians, FAQ’s, library email enquires as well as live chat services can be found at https://libanswers.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/.
Reserve the Creative Media Studio to Produce Video if Needed
The Creative Media Studio has been designed for simple video recording. It does not require video production experience or knowledge to produce high-quality videos. Reservation of the Studio can be made via the Library Room Booking System.
Opening hours may vary. Please check the Library Opening Hours before coming to the CUHK Libraries.
Take Short Breaks to Relax
Take a short break to relax if you feel bored or cannot concentrate on your study.
(by Prof. Chan Sui Yin, Department of Psychology, CUHK and Director of Chanwuyi Research Center for Neuropsychological Well-being)
Relaxation techniques from Chanwuyi (禪武醫)https://www.chanwuyi.org/videos
Have Enough Sleep
Don’t forget to have enough sleep at night when you need to meet deadlines to submit the assignments.


EndNote X9 is now available!

EndNote X9 is now available!
Click here to download EndNote (CUHK Login required)